Fire Safety Management
Fire is one of the most common serious incidents in the UK, leading to devastated businesses, injury and death. Come the end of September 2022, there had been 27,202 dwelling fires and 13,695 fires in other buildings. It is crucial that all infrastructure, no matter the purpose and usage have the appropriate measures in place to limit the hazards and risks that can cause extreme devastation.
The Fire Safety Order 2005 clearly outlines the responsible persons' duties. As the duty holder, you need help to ensure compliance within your properties, by making a suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks. Here at Nigel Evans Associates, we can help.
We use experienced surveyors to perform a range of risk assessments and surveys in line with the current fire safety regulations, helping you ensure the safety of the people in your building and giving you peace of mind.
Fire Door Surveys
Under the new regulations, regular inspections need to be undertaken on communal and private doors in residential and commercial properties.
After completing a site visit, we will compose a report which will include...
A summary of our findings.
A door by door breakdown showing where each individual door both meets and falls short of the requirements.
Supporting photos that demonstrate our concerns.
Our conclusions that list the steps that need to be taken to bring your doors up to regulations.
If it is found that there are extensive works that need to be carried out on the premises, Nigel Evans Associates can help you co ordinate the next steps by advising on known and trusted contractors, issuing the works to go out to tender or by acting as project manager to see the works through to completion.
Health, Safety and Fire Risk Assessments
Under the new regulations, regular inspections need to be undertaken on communal and private doors in residential and commercial properties.
As the responsible person, you must ensure a Health, Safety and Fire Risk Assessment is reviewed and carried out on an annual basis.
Nigel Evans Associates can ensure this is carried out for you by acting as your 'competent person'.
We will produce a report for you that identifies the general high, medium and low risks and complete the Fire Risk Assessment following the PAS 79 template.
Depending on the risks identified and how you wish to proceed, we can carry out further in depth reports that we can proceed to manage the completion of.
Fire Strategy
A Fire Strategy is a comprehensive document that covers all aspects of fire safety that has been tailored to your building.
Our reports will cover...
Legislative requirements relevant to you.
A construction overview of your building.
An in detail analysis of your means of escape.
Details of fire spread and control measures that are already or should be in place.
Details on what the Fire Service will require from you.
Managing your fire safety in the event of an emergency and for the future.
Safety Case
Following the registration of high rise buildings with the Building Safety Regulator, The Principle Accountable Person is expected to prepare a Safety Case report.
Here at Nigel Evans Associates we can create you a comprehensive document that covers all aspects of safety for your high rise building from fire to structural.
We will discuss and evaluate the risks present at your building and what measures are in place to ensure the residents and users of your building are safe.
Emergency Response Pack
As of 2023, it is a legal requirement for all high-rise buildings to have a Secure Information Box on site that contains a set of documentation which assist your local fire brigade upon arriving on site in an emergency. This set of documentation is known as an Emergency Response Pack.
We can assist in creating for you a bespoke set of documentation that includes...
Building plans
Orientations plans
Vertical plans
Information on vulnerable residents
On Arrival Information
Log books
Off the run sheets
Fire Evacuation Drills
It is a legal requirement for all non-domestic premises to carry out a fire drill annually.
If you would like you fire drill assessed, feel like your fire drills require assistance in making them run as efficiently as possible or would like documented evidence by an external body of your fire drill occurring, we can help by producing an in depth analysis in the form of a Fire Safety Drill Report.
This process involves...
A pre-drill inspection of your premises.
Observing and assessing your fire drill.
Creating an action list of what needs to be improved with your fire drill.
​The importance of your drill must not be taken lightly, ensuring efficient operation within your premises will save lives.
Fire Marshal Training
It is your job as the Responsible Person to appoint a Fire Marshal who is trained and experienced in their role. A Fire Marshal is crucial for day to day organisation of the building to identify any potential fire hazards and is a valued person during an emergency.
Some of their responsibilities include...
Checking emergency exits are clear at all times.
Checking fire extinguishers are present where required. ​​
Checking fire doors are in working order and not kept open.
Testing fire alarms and emergency lighting.
Checking hazardous materials.
Organising fire drills.